There are many types of zoos in ghana which is the Accra zoo and the kumasi zoo. I decided to emphasize on the Accra zoo which is normally called the Accra zooligical gardens. The Accra zoological gardens is located at the Achimota Accra and is one of the most popular, interesting and attractions centre to visit in ghana. To come to the most important thing to find in the Accra zoo is there are a lot of very beautiful species found in there and some of them are; Lion, duck, monkey, crocodile and even donkeys etc. The one I tried to emphasize on was the crocodile in the Accra zoo. Crocodile they say are semi aquatic reptiles that leaves in the tropic of Africa, Asia, Americas and even the Australia and are classified as the biological sub- family and are carnivores who eats on fresh meat and sometimes feast on fish, birds, crabs, snakes and even on humans etc. Mostly in the Ghanaians z6oo there are different kinds ...
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