Beauty and love for creation were given for free,so I the touch of the earth.

A Zoo is a place reserved for seeing such beautiful and wonderful creation of God.

Zoos are beautiful animal kingdom.There are so many tourist sites in the world but Zoos are one of the most interesting site,it gives one the most chance to see how animals live their lives and how they go about their day to day activities.

Many may see visiting the zoo as a waste of time but others may have internet seeing and siting how animals have their way of doing things and helps them relieve stress as they site these beautiful creations.

The Accra zoo which is located in Achimota has been in existence for over 12years and many people both in Ghana and from far come to have a relive just by watching these animals and the interesting activities they carry daily.

The Accra zoo in the heart of Achimota is blessed with beautiful vegetation and a jungle where tourist can tour around and enjoy themselves freely.

The Accra Zoo is one of the amazing places to visit,many people visit places that interest them on holidays but most troup into the Accra Zoo to release stress and see species which most can't be found at home.

They are fun places which helps one to see variety of animals which amazes people both children, adults and aged.

There are several animals in the Accra Zoo and among them are Ducks,Camels, Ostrich, Monkeys and many others.

However my emphasis will be on  Monkeys since they attracted me most,the Monkey is an animal which has the nature of humanity,the way they respond to things, everything about them is interesting,they depict human character.

There were about four Monkeys in the cage and watching how they communicate and play was an interesting thing many needs to see,they jump from one place to the other within that small cage.

Monkeys mostly depict humanity behavior which is fun to watch. Giving a monkey a gum and a drink in the cage was so interesting,how they took it was just so like human and I wish there were many to feed. The Monkeys were so friendly even in their cage.
The Accra Zoo which is in the Achimota Forest is blessed with beautiful vegetation and it's a site that that leaves an indelible mark on all other tourist site.
Nature is beautiful and the epitome of life indeed.

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