Article: Nature
They say nature is the epitome of life. How the ocean rises and fall, how grass and trees beautify the land and how the animals roar. This very nature we crave for becomes the very grounds of a nation beauty and a source for economic growth. When nature is preserved it becomes a tourist attraction.
There are several tourist sites across the globe however many of these falls on the animal kingdom called Zoo. In Africa there are several zoos such as Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. It has both nature and Wildlife attractions.
Accra Zoo also is one of the tourist sites in Ghana-Accra. It hosts several animals such as the almighty donkey who boast of his great encounter with Christ, Donkeys, ducklings and many more. However, the animal that got my attention was that of the monkey.     
There were about five white-naped Mangabey in one cage. Among them was a baby monkey. The normal rate of monkeys is supposed to be 10-25. The cage looked like a play ground made of net. A dry plant and swings to help them play.  These animals relate with each other as any human would with a neighbor. They play and communicate in their own language jumping here and there. The baby monkey jump from one place to the other within it small cage. Then clench to it mother. One monkey sat on the floor with it leg cross staring into space. Like a man in deep thought. It was fun to watch them but I wish there were more there and free as they are supposed to be.

 Only then can their true nature be known.
 Looking at them reminds me of humanity. These animals have a life span of 30 years relying on nature to survive (fruit, vegetable etc.) the life span of these animal can be cut of when nature is ignored.
Humanity and nature are in separable but when nature is ignored humanity stop. The geographical area is not bad but less free for these animals. These animals need to be thirty in a place with life trees that they can climb and feel free as in the jungle.

I believe that every tourist site should debit as real as nature. Even the path to the zoo lack any form of attraction apart from the trees along side the roads. 

The emptiness of nature breadth no attraction and when attraction fail tourist ends.
However, Achimota Zoo is one of the best sites in Ghana that leaves an indelible mark on all tourist. I recommend that one must visit the Zoo at least once in his life time.

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